Zip Code:

46534, Knox, IN

46534 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Knox and the county of Starke. Its population is roughly 11,686.

Knox Real Estate: A Look at the Markets and Trends

Knox, Indiana is a small town located in the 46534 zip code. The population of Knox was 1,811 as of the 2010 census. The 46534 zip code has a median household income of $51,917 and a median home value of $128,000. Knox is an affluent town with a high home equity and home prices.

The average home value in the 46534 zip code is more than triple the statewide median home value of $71,500. Home values in Knox are also much higher than those found in most other Indiana zip codes. For example, the median home value in the 46340 zip code is only about one-third as high as that found in Knox. In addition, the average home equity level in Knox is nearly twice as high as that found statewide. This indicates that homeownership rates and house values are much higher in Knox than they are across most of Indiana.

One factor that may contribute to these high levels of home equity and house values in Knox is its relatively low rate of homeownership compared to other parts of Indiana. Only about 60% of households living in the 46534 zip code own their homes, compared to over 80% statewide average ownership rate. In addition, there are relatively few families living below the poverty line (10% or less) within the 46534 zip code compared to rates found throughout most of Indiana. These factors may help explain why homeownership rates and house values are so high relative to other parts of Indiana.

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