Zip Code:

46563, Plymouth, IN

46563 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Plymouth and the county of Marshall County. Its population is roughly 23,664.

Plymouth's Real Estate Market

The 46563 zip code of Plymouth, IN is located in the southeastern corner of the state and includes a mix of rural and suburban areas. The median home value in this zip code was $128,000 in 2016, which is lower than the statewide median home value of $146,500. However, the zip code has a higher percentage of homes valued at over $200,000 than the statewide average (10% compared to 6%).

The Plymouth area has seen strong growth in home values over the past few years. Between January 1st of 2014 and January 1st of 2016, the median home value increased by 28%. This strong growth is likely due to limited supply and increasing demand for housing in this area. In addition, Plymouth is located close to major metropolitan areas such as Indianapolis and Louisville which may also contribute to increased demand for homes in this area.

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