Zip Code:

46628, South Bend, IN

46628 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of South Bend and the county of St. Joseph County. Its population is roughly 26,396.

The Real Estate Market in the 46628 Zip Code of South Bend, Indiana.

South Bend, Indiana is a city located in the southern part of the state. The population of South Bend was 127,612 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in South Bend was $59,811 in 2013. Home prices in South Bend have been increasing at a rate of 6% annually since 2007. In December 2016, home prices reached an all-time high with an average price of $148,000.

The 46628 zip code covers a large area including parts of both the city and county of South Bend. As of December 2016 there were 1,527 homes for sale in this zip code and 553 homes were sold. This means that the average home price in this zip code is $148,000 which is significantly higher than the national average home price which is currently around $175,000 according to

There are many factors that contribute to home prices increasing in a particular area such as job growth or availability of inventory. In South Bend specifically there has been strong job growth over the past few years which has led to increased demand for housing and consequently increased home prices

Another factor that contributes to increased home prices is availability or inventory; when there are more homes available for sale than people who want to buy them, the price goes up There are many reasons why there may be less available inventory including: new construction projects being completed or planned within a certain area (which can lead to an increase in demand), people moving out of an area (causing less available housing), or sellers choosing not to list their homes because they believe they will not be able to sell them at their desired price

Inventory levels can also change over time due to market conditions such as interest rates going up or down which can impact how much people are willing to pay for a particular type or style of house

Price Index: South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI

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