Zip Code:
46746 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Howe and the county of LaGrange. Its population is roughly 4,640.
The zip code 46746 in Howe, Indiana has a median home value of $136,000. This is significantly lower than the state median home value of $179,500. Howe also has a low homeownership rate at just 36%. This is likely due to the high cost of homes in this area and the fact that many residents are renters.
Despite these factors, there are still a number of homeowners in the 46746 zip code. The average length of time that homeowners have owned their homes is 8 years. Additionally, the percentage of owner-occupied homes in this zip code is higher than the state average (54%) and national average (47%).
One reason that homeownership rates are so low in Howe may be due to its high cost of housing. The median monthly mortgage payment for households in this zip code is $1,811 which is more than double the state median ($743). Additionally, Howe has one of the highest costs of living indices in Indiana. This means that it takes a lot more money to live here than most other places.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
49091 | 19,644 | 87.1 | America/Detroit | 41.82443 | -85.44609 | Sturgis | St. Joseph County | Michigan |
46761 | 12,325 | 38.6 | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | 41.63486 | -85.36831 | Lagrange | LaGrange | Indiana |
46565 | 8,642 | 52.4 | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | 41.69266 | -85.58044 | Shipshewana | LaGrange | Indiana |
46771 | 72 | 23.6 | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | 41.69260 | -85.29603 | Mongo | LaGrange | Indiana |