Zip Code:

46804, Fort Wayne, IN

46804 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Fort Wayne and the county of Allen County. Its population is roughly 28,587.

The Real Estate Market in the 46804 Zip Code of Fort Wayne, Indiana

Fort Wayne, Indiana is a city located in the northeastern corner of the state. As of the 2010 census, Fort Wayne had a population of 219,821. The city is home to four Fortune 500 companies: Eli Lilly and Company, 3M Company, PNC Financial Services Group, and United Technologies Corporation.

The 46804 zip code covers much of eastern Fort Wayne and includes some affluent neighborhoods such as Brookside Estates and Ridgemont Lakes. Home values in this area have increased significantly over the past several years as more people have moved into the area and taken advantage of its many amenities. In March 2016, Zillow reported that the median home value in this zip code was $128,900 which was up from $110,000 just five years earlier.

While there are certainly areas within this zip code where home values are lower than others, it is generally safe to say that prices in this area are on the rise. This makes it an excellent place to invest in home equity if you are looking for long-term growth potential.

Price Index: Fort Wayne, IN

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