Zip Code:

47036, Oldenburg, IN

47036 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Oldenburg and the county of Franklin. Its population is roughly 882.

The Real Estate Market in the 47036 Zip Code of Oldenburg, Indiana.

The 47036 zip code of Oldenburg, IN is located in the northwest corner of the state and has a population of just over 10,000. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing steadily for the past several years, reaching a peak in 2017 before beginning to decline. At present, home prices are approximately 20% below their peak value.

One reason for the recent increase in home values in this zip code is that Oldenburg is located within a desirable area with plenty of amenities and job opportunities. Additionally, Oldenburg has experienced relatively low levels of unemployment over the past few years which has helped to boost demand for homes.

Despite these positive factors, there are some potential risks that could impact home values in this area. For example, if there were to be an economic downturn or another housing market crash, then it could lead to a decrease in demand for homes and consequently lower prices. Additionally, Oldenburg is located within close proximity to Indianapolis which can make it more difficult for buyers who are not residents of Indiana to purchase a home here.

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