Zip Code:

47274, Seymour, IN

47274 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Seymour and the county of Jackson County. Its population is roughly 31,352.

The Real Estate Market in the 47274 Zip Code of Seymour, Indiana.

The 47274 zip code of Seymour, IN has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity value of $111,000. This means that the majority of homes in this zip code are worth more than their original purchase price, and have significant equity built up in them. This is especially true for homes that were purchased within the past five years, as they tend to have higher home values than older homes.

While there are some areas of the 47274 zip code where home values are lower than average, overall it is one of the most affluent areas in Indiana. This is likely due to its close proximity to major cities like Indianapolis and Chicago, as well as its high quality schools and infrastructure. In addition, many people who live in the 47274 zip code commute to work in one of these larger cities, which contributes to its high income levels.

Overall, homeowners in the 47274 zip code are likely very happy with their home equity and home prices. While there may be some areas where prices are lower than others on a regional or national level, homeowners here can generally count on their homes being worth more than what they paid for them – even when inflation is taken into account.

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