Zip Code:

47591, Vincennes, IN

47591 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Vincennes and the county of Knox County. Its population is roughly 25,370.

The Real Estate Market in the 47591 Zip Code of Vincennes, Indiana

The 47591 zip code of Vincennes, IN has a population of approximately 17,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $50,000 and the median home value is $120,000. The average home equity in the zip code is $60,000.

The 47591 zip code has a low rate of home ownership compared to other areas of Indiana. Only 54% of homes in the zip code are owned by individuals, which is lower than the statewide average of 60%. This low rate of homeownership may be due to the high cost of housing in Vincennes or because there are not enough available homes for sale in this area.

Despite having a low rate of homeownership, home values have increased significantly over the past five years. In 2012, the median home value was $100,000 but by 2016 that had increased to $120,000. This increase may be due to limited supply and high demand for homes in Vincennes as well as increasing interest rates over that time period.

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