Zip Code:

47842, Clinton, IN

47842 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Clinton and the county of Vermillion County. Its population is roughly 9,597.

The Real Estate Market in the 47842 Zip Code of Clinton, Indiana

Clinton, Indiana is located in the southwestern corner of the state and has a population of just over 34,000 people. Home prices in Clinton have increased steadily over the past few years, reaching a peak of $269,000 in early 2017. However, since then prices have fallen back to around $236,000 as the market adjusts to new information.

The 47842 zip code covers most of Clinton and has a median home price of $235,000. The majority of homes in this zip code are single-family dwellings (69%), but there are also a number of duplexes and apartments (15%). The average size of a Clinton home is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

The largest factor driving home prices up in Clinton was undoubtedly the strong demand from buyers looking for properties that were within reach but still had good value. This has changed somewhat recently as interest rates have started to rise across the country which may make some areas more affordable for potential buyers. Additionally, there is now more competition for homes due to increased availability thanks to low inventory levels throughout much of central Indiana. This may lead to slower growth in prices over time as sellers start getting more offers they can’t refuse and eventually reach equilibrium with the available supply at current prices.

Price Index: Terre Haute, IN

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