Zip Code:

47918, Attica, IN

47918 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Attica and the county of Fountain. Its population is roughly 5,679.

The Real Estate Market in the 47918 Zip Code of Attica, Indiana.

The 47918 zip code of Attica, Indiana has a population of just over 9,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just over $50,000 and the median home value is just over $130,000. In terms of home equity, the average homeowner in this zip code has approximately $113,000 in equity in their homes.

There are a number of reasons why home values and equity are high in the 47918 zip code of Attica. First and foremost, this area is located within one of the most prosperous parts of Indiana. Second, there is a strong demand for housing within this zip code due to its close proximity to major cities like Indianapolis and Louisville. Finally, there is low unemployment rates and a healthy economy overall which leads to more buyers and sellers entering into transactions for homes within this area.

Despite these positive factors, there are some challenges that homeowners in the 47918 zip code face when it comes to their home equity. One such challenge is that interest rates have been relatively low for much of the past few years which has made it difficult for homeowners to generate significant returns on their investments through mortgage payments or capital gains from selling their homes. Additionally, there have been a number of recent market crashes which have caused many homeowners who were not prepared for such events to experience significant losses on their investments.

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