Zip Code:

47944, Fowler, IN

47944 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Fowler and the county of Benton County. Its population is roughly 3,402.

The Real Estate Market in the 47944 Zip Code of Fowler, Indiana.

The zip code of 47944 in Fowler, Indiana has a median home value of $128,900. This is higher than the Indiana median home value of $101,200. The zip code also has a median home equity value of $116,000 which is higher than the Indiana median home equity value of $92,700.

There are a total of 2,827 homes in the 47944 zip code. Of these homes, 1,919 are occupied and 1,564 are vacant. This indicates that there is an average of 2.4 homes per household in the 47944 zip code. The vacancy rate for the 47944 zip code is 5%. This is lower than the Indiana vacancy rate of 7%.

The homeownership rate for the 47944 zip code is 66%. This is higher than the Indiana homeownership rate of 63%. The percentage of households who own their homes outright (without any mortgage) in the 47944 zip code is 9% which is lower than the Indiana percentage of households who own their homes outright (without any mortgage) at 12%. However, this percentage does not account for all households in the 47944 zip code as some households may have a mortgage on their home.

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