Zip Code:

48032, Jeddo, MI

48032 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Jeddo and the county of St. Clair County. Its population is roughly 1,875.

The Real Estate Market in the 48032 Zip Code of Jeddo, Michigan

Home equity is the difference between what a homeowner owes on their home and the value of their home. Home prices are the price at which homes are typically sold in a given area. Jeddo has seen an increase in both home equity and home prices over the past few years. In 2016, Jeddo had a home equity of $191,000 and a home price of $153,000. In 2017, Jeddo had a home equity of $236,000 and a home price of $183,000. This year so far, Jeddo has seen an increase in both home equity and home prices with an estimatedhome equity of $269,000 and ahome priceof $209,000 as of July 1st.

There are many factors that contribute to changes in the value or equity of homes in any given area- including interest rates, local market conditions, housing stock availability and more. However, one reason that Jeddo's homeowners have seen an increase in their overall net worth is due to rising house values combined with low interest rates. Since 2008 when the Great Recession began there have been very low interest rates available which has helped to boost homeowners' net worths even during challenging economic times.

While there is no guarantee that house values or Equity will continue to rise in Jeddo over the long term it is clear that homeowners here have benefited greatly from recent increases in both areas- providing them with increased financial stability and security as well as added wealth over time."

Price Index: Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)

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