Zip Code:

48116, Brighton, MI

48116 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Brighton and the county of Livingston County. Its population is roughly 27,244.

The Real Estate Market in the 48116 Zip Code of Brighton, MI

Brighton, Michigan is located in the 48116 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $139,900 and the median home equity value is $112,000. This means that the homeownership rate in this zip code is approximately 67%.

The average annual percentage change (APC) for home prices from January to December 2017 was 2.2%. This means that the average price of a home in Brighton increased by 2.2% over the course of 2017.

Over the past year, there has been an increase of 0.5% in the number of homes sold in this zip code. This indicates that there are more buyers than sellers currently in this area.

The average list price for a home in Brighton is $145,000 and the median list price is $137,500. The number of days it takes for a property to sell on average is 97 days.

Overall, it appears that there are many homeowners who are benefiting from rising home values and increasing equity within their homes."

Price Index: Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)

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