Zip Code:

48230, Grosse Pointe, MI

48230 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Grosse Pointe and the county of Wayne County. Its population is roughly 16,359.

The Real Estate Market in Grosse Pointe, MI

The 48230 zip code of Grosse Pointe, MI has a median home value of $1,845,000 and a median home equity value of $527,500. The average home in this zip code was built in 1988 and is 2,811 square feet. Approximately 71% of the homes in this zip code are owner-occupied while 29% are rented. This is a relatively affluent area with a high percentage of homeowners and low percentage of renters.

Grosse Pointe is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Michigan with an average household income over $200,000. The majority (84%) of households in this zip code have at least one college degree or higher. Home prices here have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply. As a result, the average home value has grown by almost 20% since 2013!

Price Index: Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, MI (MSAD)

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