Zip Code:

48401, Applegate, MI

48401 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Applegate and the county of Sanilac. Its population is roughly 1,453.

The Real Estate Market in the 48401 Zip Code of Applegate, MI

Applegate, Michigan is located in the 48401 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $109,900. The home equity for homes in this zip code is $54,000. This means that the average homeowner in this zip code has a net worth of $41,900 and the average renter has a net worth of -$5,700.

The 48401 zip code has a population of 1,814 people and there are 553 households in this zipcode. There are an average of 2.4 people per household and there are an average of 2.9 vehicles per household.

There are an estimated 711 businesses in the 48401 zip code and they have an estimated annual revenue of $27 million. The top industries that these businesses operate within are health care services, professional services, and retail trade.

The median age for residents living in the 48401 zip code is 41 years old and the median age for renters living in this zipcode is 33 years old. There are an estimated 692 children under 18 years old living in this zipcode and there are an estimated 906 seniors over 65 years old living here as well.

The 48401 zip code has a poverty rate of 10% which is higher than the Michigan state poverty rate of 8%. However, it should be noted that Applegate does have a higher percentage of people who live below the poverty line than most other Michigan townships or counties (10% compared to 6%).

Income levels vary greatly within the 48401 zip code with a median household income of $42,000 compared to a median individual income level of $24,000 which indicates that there is significant wealth inequality within this area. Additionally, there is also significant racial diversity within this area with 43% percent white residents compared to 31% percent black residents and 16% percent Hispanic/Latino residents according to 2010 census data .

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