Zip Code:

48422, Croswell, MI

48422 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Croswell and the county of Sanilac. Its population is roughly 6,571.

The Real Estate Market in the 48422 Zip Code of Croswell, Michigan

Croswell is a small town located in the southern part of Michigan. The population of Croswell was just over 2,000 people as of the 2010 census. The median household income in Croswell was just over $50,000 as of 2010.

The 48422 zip code covers a small area in southeastern Croswell and includes most of the town's commercial and residential areas. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing rapidly over the past several years, reaching an all-time high in 2016. As of September 2017, the median home price in this zip code was $119,900. This represents a 121% increase from the median home price in 2006!

One reason for this rapid growth in home prices is that Croswell is located close to both major metropolitan areas (Detroit and Lansing). Additionally, many new homes are being built or remodeled here, which has helped to drive up prices even more.

Despite these high prices, there are still many opportunities available for buyers who are interested in purchasing a home here. The 48422 zip code has a relatively low rate of unemployment (4%), and there is plenty of housing available for purchase if you're looking for something closer to city life than rural living.

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