Zip Code:

48658, Standish, MI

48658 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Standish and the county of Arenac. Its population is roughly 4,915.

The Real Estate Market in Standish, Michigan

Standish, Michigan is located in the 48658 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Standish has a population of 1,827 people. The median household income in Standish is $50,000. The median home value in Standish is $130,000.

The average rate of home equity growth in the 48658 zip code over the past five years has been 8%. Over the past year, the rate of home equity growth has been 10%. This indicates that there are many homeowners who are benefiting from rising home prices and increasing home equity values.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to rising home prices and increasing home equity values in Standish: low interest rates, strong job market conditions, and increased demand for housing due to population growth and increased incomes. In addition, many homeowners have taken advantage of low interest rates by refinancing their homes multiple times over the past few years. As a result of these factors and others (such as limited inventory), there is high demand for housing in Standish and consequently high prices for homes and high levels of homeowner equity.

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