Zip Code:

48854, Mason, MI

48854 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Mason and the county of Ingham County. Its population is roughly 19,737.

The Real Estate Market in the 48854 Zip Code of Mason, MI

Mason, MI is located in the southeast region of the state of Michigan. The zip code 48854 has a population of approximately 10,000 and an average household income of $60,000. Mason is a small town that was founded in 1818. The town is known for its mills and factories, which were once major employers. Today, Mason is home to several businesses and organizations, but it is most famous for its agricultural industry.

Home equity refers to the value of a home minus any outstanding debt on the home. Home prices are based on a number of factors including location, size and condition of the home, as well as prevailing market conditions. In Mason, home equity values have increased steadily over the past few years due to strong job growth and low interest rates. As of September 2017, the median home value in Mason was $128,500. This represents an increase of 9% over 2016 levels and 27% over 2015 levels.

The majority (68%)of homes in Mason are owner-occupied while 32% are rented. The median length of time that homes have been owned in Mason is 7 years while the median length of time that homes have been rented is 5 years. Over half (53%)of all homes in Mason were built before 1990 while 37% were built between 1991 and 2000. There has been little change in homeownership rates since 2010 when 54%of homes were owner-occupied compared to 58%in 2017

Price Index: Lansing-East Lansing, MI

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