Zip Code:

49011, Athens, MI

49011 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Athens and the county of Calhoun County. Its population is roughly 2,272.

The Real Estate Market in the 49011 Zip Code of Athens, MI

Athens, MI is located in the southeastern corner of Michigan and has a population of around 21,000. The zip code 49011 has a median home value of $128,200 and a median household income of $60,000. The majority of homes in the zip code are owned by individuals or families. Home equity is important to many residents in Athens because it allows them to use their homes as collateral for loans or to invest money.

The average home value in the 49011 zip code increased by 7% from 2016 to 2017. This was slower than the national average increase of 9%. The main driver behind this slower growth was likely the decrease in available inventory due to increasing demand from buyers. In addition, interest rates were relatively low during this time period which may have discouraged some potential buyers from purchasing homes. Despite these challenges, home values continue to grow steadily in most parts of Athens.

The median household income is lower than the median home value in the 49011 zip code, but this may be partially due to the fact that there are fewer wealthy residents living in this area. In addition, many residents are self-employed which can lead to lower incomes due to fluctuations in income levels over time. Despite these limitations, Athens remains one of the more affordable areas for housing in Michigan and offers good opportunities for those who want to buy a home or invest their money into property."

Price Index: Battle Creek, MI

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