Zip Code:

49026, Bloomingdale, MI

49026 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Bloomingdale and the county of Van Buren County. Its population is roughly 2,364.

The Real Estate Market in the 49026 Zip Code of Bloomingdale, Michigan

The 49026 zip code of Bloomingdale, Michigan has a median home value of $161,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. These numbers are significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $142,500 and statewide median home equity of $77,500. The 49026 zip code also has a significantly higher percentage of homes with a mortgage than the statewide percentage of homes with a mortgage at 66%. This indicates that homeowners in the 49026 zip code are more likely to have access to capital to purchase or improve their homes.

There are several factors that may contribute to the high home values and equity in the 49026 zip code. First, Bloomingdale is located in one of Michigan's most affluent counties. Second, Bloomingdale is an affluent suburb with many well-educated residents who may be able to afford larger homes and more expensive mortgages. Third, Bloomingdale is experiencing strong population growth which may lead to increased demand for housing and increased prices. Fourth, Bloomingdale has relatively low unemployment rates which may lead some people who would otherwise not be able to afford a house to be able to do so because they can borrow against theirhome equity instead. Fifth, Bloomingdale has experienced very low rates of foreclosure over the past few years which may indicate that homeowners in this area are more likely to maintain their homes over time.

Price Index: Kalamazoo-Portage, MI

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