Zip Code:

49060, Hickory Corners, MI

49060 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Hickory Corners and the county of Barry County. Its population is roughly 1,902.

The Real Estate Market in the 49060 Zip Code of Hickory Corners, Michigan

Hickory Corners, Michigan is a small town located in the 49060 zip code. The population of Hickory Corners was 1,811 as of the 2010 census. The median home value in Hickory Corners was $128,900 as of September 2013.

The 49060 zip code has a low home equity and home prices when compared to other zip codes in Michigan. This may be due to the fact that Hickory Corners is a small town with few amenities or because there are not many homes for sale in this zip code. In 2013, the average monthly mortgage payment for a home in this zip code was $1,521 which is higher than the statewide average of $1,191. Additionally, the median household income in this zip code was $42,917 which is lower than the statewide average of $53,046. These factors may contribute to why home equity and home prices are lower in Hickory Corners than other areas of Michigan.

Price Index: Grand Rapids-Kentwood, MI

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