Zip Code:

49113, Galien, MI

49113 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Galien and the county of Berrien County. Its population is roughly 1,773.

The Real Estate Market in the 49113 Zip Code of Galien, Michigan

In the 49113 zip code of Galien, MI, there are an estimated 1,851 homes for sale and 1,527 homes for rent. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The median home price has increased by 9.7% since January 2017. This is a slower growth rate than the Michigan statewide average of 12.9%.

The majority of homes in this zip code are owned by individuals or families. There are also a small number of rental properties available in this area.

The average commute time to work in the 49113 zip code is 26 minutes. The percentage of workers who commuted more than an hour each way was lower than the state average (10%) but higher than the national average (7%).

There are several businesses located in the 49113 zip code including a grocery store, bank, and pharmacy. There is also a movie theater and several restaurants within walking distance from most homes in this area.

Overall, homeownership rates and home prices have been increasing faster in Galien than they have statewide or nationally over the past year or two years. While there may be some areas where prices are outpacing wage growth or other economic indicators may be indicating that buying a home may not be as advantageous as it once was, overall homeownership rates continue to rise across Michigan which could indicate that buyers feel more confident about their long-term prospects for housing stability and equity within their community

Price Index: Niles, MI

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