Zip Code:

49129, Union Pier, MI

49129 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Union Pier and the county of Berrien County. Its population is roughly 513.

The Real Estate Market in Union Pier, Michigan

Union Pier, MI is located in the 49129 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Union Pier has a population of 1,912. The median household income in Union Pier is $41,711 and the median family income is $49,868. The percentage of families living below the poverty line is 2%.

Union Pier's home equity and home prices are both very high compared to other zip codes in Michigan. In fact, Union Pier's home equity and home prices are among the highest in the United States. As of March 2013, Union Pier's median home value was $269,000 and its median home equity was $145,000. These values are significantly higher than both Michigan's statewide median home value ($175,000) and statewide median home equity ($130,000).

One reason for Union Pier's high home values andhome equity is its low unemployment rate. As of March 2013, Union Pier had an unemployment rate of only 2%. This low unemployment rate contributes to high demand for housing in Union Pierand drives uphome values andhome equity.

Another factor contributing to UnionPier's highhome valuesandhomeequityisitshighincomelevelsthatarerelativetootherzipsin Michigan. AsofMarch2013,themedianfamilyincomeinUnionPierwas$49,868whichwasmorethantwicethemedianfamilyincomein Michigan($22,500). Thishighincomelevelsthatarerelativetothemiddleincomelevelsinotherzipsin Michiganalsodrivesuphousevaluesandhomeequityinthezipcode.

Price Index: Niles, MI

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