Zip Code:

49237, Concord, MI

49237 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Concord and the county of Jackson County. Its population is roughly 3,047.

The Real Estate Market in Concord, Michigan

The Concord, Michigan zip code 49237 has a population of around 36,000 people and is located in the southeastern part of the state. The median household income in this zip code is around $60,000 which is high compared to other areas in Michigan. This high median income may be due to the large number of jobs in the area or because of the strong economy.

One factor that affects home prices is interest rates. When interest rates are high, it makes it more expensive for people to borrow money to buy a home. In recent years, interest rates have been low which has helped increase home prices in many areas across the country. However, there are still some areas where prices are lower than they were a few years ago.

Another factor that affects home prices is supply and demand. When there are more homes available for sale than people want to buy them, the price of homes will go down. This is usually due to two things: 1) builders are building more homes than people want to buy and 2) people who want to buy homes can't find any houses that they can afford. Over time, as more houses come on the market and fewer people want them, the price of homes goes up until there's an equilibrium where both buyers and sellers are happy with the deal.

Price Index: Jackson, MI

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