Zip Code:

49262, North Adams, MI

49262 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of North Adams and the county of Hillsdale County. Its population is roughly 1,243.

The Real Estate Market in the 49262 Zip Code of North Adams, MI

Home equity is the difference between what a homeowner owes on their home and the value of their home. Home prices are the price at which homes are sold in a given area. In North Adams, MI, both home equity and home prices have been on the rise for some time now.

According to Zillow, as of September 2018, the median home value in North Adams was $269,200. This is up from $248,500 as of September 2017. The average monthly mortgage payment for a house in this zip code was $1,724 in September 2018. This is down from $2,074 as of September 2017 but still higher than the national average of $1,546.

The reason that home values have increased so much in North Adams is likely due to several factors:

-The recent influx of new residents into the area

-The low supply of homes available for sale

-High demand due to strong job growth

-Low interest rates

All three major credit bureaus currently rate North Adams as a “A” credit market according to Zillow’s Home Value Index (HVI). This means that there is very little risk associated with buying or refinancing a house here right now.

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