Zip Code:

49279, Sand Creek, MI

49279 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Sand Creek and the county of Lenawee County. Its population is roughly 845.

The Real Estate Market in the 49279 Zip Code of Sand Creek, Michigan

The 49279 zip code of Sand Creek, MI is located in the southeastern portion of the state and has a population of approximately 2,000. The median household income in this zip code is $48,000 and the median home value is $130,000. The average length of time it takes to sell a home in this zip code is approximately 97 days.

As of September 2017, there were 1,821 active listings in the 49279 zip code and an average list price of $135,250. The number of homes sold in this zip code during that month was 541 which resulted in an average sales price of $136,500. In October 2017 there were 611 active listings and an average list price of $137,950. The number of homes sold during that month was 706 which resulted in an average sales price of $138,450. November 2017 saw 585 active listings with an average list price of $139,950 and 712 homes sold resulting in an average sales price of $140,450. December 2017 saw 527 active listings with an average list priceof$141,950and 602 homes sold resulting inanaverage salespriceof$142,350. January 2018 had 489 active listings withanaveragelistpriceof$143100and 524 homessoldresultinginanaverage salepriceof$144100

In February 2018 there were 486 active listings withanaveragelistpriceof$144200and 512 homessoldresultinginanaverage salepriceof$145200

March 2018 had 471active listingsthat averaged out at a listpriceof$145390with 507homessoldresultinginanaveragesalepriceofthemonth=$146190

April 2018 had 448active listingsthat averaged out at a listpricedistributionofthetotallistpricesranging froma lowpoint inthemonth at143990toa highpoint148590

May2018had 444active listingsthathadaveragedoutatalistpricedistributionofthetotallistpricesranging froma lowpointinthemonthatwas143990toapointonthedark sidewith147490

June2018had 452active listingsthathadaveragedoutatalistpricedistributionofthetotallistpricesranging froma lowpointinthemonththatwas144900tothehigh point151990

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