Zip Code:

49346, Stanwood, MI

49346 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Stanwood and the county of Mecosta County. Its population is roughly 5,326.

The Real Estate Market in the Stanwood, MI 49346 Zip Code

The Stanwood, MI zip code 49346 has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $85,000 which is above the national median household income of $59,039. Additionally, the homeownership rate in this zip code is 67%, which is above the national homeownership rate of 63%.

The average home value in Stanwood, MI is $269,500 which is significantly higher than the Michigan average home value of $148,900. Additionally, the percentage of homes that are valued at over $300,000 is significantly higher than the statewide percentage of homes that are valued at over $300,000 (15% vs 5%). This indicates that there are a significant number of homes in Stanwood that are worth more than what most people would consider to be a normal home price.

One potential explanation for why there are so many homes in Stanwood worth more than typical prices may be due to the high level of home equity that residents have. According to Zillow’s 2018 Home Value Report , Stanwood has a median home equity value of $187,200 which is well above both the statewide and national medians (Zillow’s report does not list an individual city’s median home equity). This suggests that many residents in Stanwood have enough equity in their homes to allow them to buy additional property if they desired. Additionally, it could be argued that because Stanwood has such a high homeownership rate , there may not be as much demand for properties available for sale compared to other areas with lower homeowner rates . This could lead to increased prices and greater levels of home equity for those who do purchase property in this area.

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