Zip Code:

49410, Fountain, MI

49410 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Fountain and the county of Mason County. Its population is roughly 1,925.

The Real Estate Market in the 49410 Zip Code of Fountain, MI

The 49410 zip code of Fountain, MI has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity of $128,000. This is a relatively high home value for the area and indicates that there are many homeowners in the zip code who are able to leverage their homes for substantial gains. The average household income in the zip code is also relatively high at $92,000, which likely contributes to the high level of home equity.

While there is evidence that homeowners in this zip code are able to benefit from strong home values and high incomes, it is important to keep in mind that these conditions can change quickly. For example, if interest rates rise significantly or if the economy weakens significantly, then homeowners may find themselves struggling to pay off their mortgages or to maintain their levels of home equity. In addition, it is always important to be aware of potential risks when investing in any type of property – including homes – so you can make informed decisions about whether or not to buy or sell a property.

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