Zip Code:

49446, New Era, MI

49446 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of New Era and the county of Oceana. Its population is roughly 2,463.

The Real Estate Market in the 49446 Zip Code of New Era, Michigan

The zip code 49446 in New Era, Michigan has a median home value of $130,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. These values are relatively high when compared to other zip codes in Michigan. For example, the median home value in the zip code of 48236 is only $92,000 and the median home equity value is only $77,000.

One reason that the home values in 49446 are higher than average is likely due to the fact that this area is located near several major cities. For example, Detroit is only about an hour away from New Era and there are also a number of smaller towns nearby that may also contribute to the high home values. Additionally, many people who live in 49446 may have invested money into their homes over time which could also contribute to their values being high.

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