Zip Code:

49454, Scottville, MI

49454 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Scottville and the county of Mason County. Its population is roughly 4,796.

The Real Estate Market in the 49454 Zip Code of Scottville, Michigan

The zip code 49454 in Scottville, Michigan has a median home value of $128,900 and a median home equity value of $122,000. This is a lower median home value than the statewide median home value of $177,500 and the national median home value of $183,700. The lower median home equity values may be due to the fact that more homes in this zip code are worth less than their original purchase price. Additionally, there are fewer homes in this zip code that have been newly built or have undergone significant renovations.

The average list price for homes in this zip code was $127,000 in January 2018. This is below the statewide average list price of $142,500 and the national average list price of $217,500. The average sale price for homes in this zip code was also below the statewide average sale price of $147,500 and the national average sale price of $247,000. These low sales prices may be due to a number of factors including low demand for housing stock within this zip code or competition from nearby areas with higher sales prices.

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