Zip Code:

49455, Shelby, MI

49455 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Shelby and the county of Oceana. Its population is roughly 4,831.

The Real Estate Market in the 49455 Zip Code of Shelby, Michigan

The Shelby home equity market is very strong. The average home value in the zip code is $191,000, which is more than double the statewide average of $86,500. This high home value has helped to drive up the median home equity in the zip code to $128,000. In addition, there are a number of factors that have contributed to this strong market including low interest rates and strong job growth.

One downside of the Shelby home equity market is that it may not be sustainable. Over time, if interest rates rise or economic conditions change, it could lead to a decrease in home values in the zip code. However, for now, there appears to be little threat of this happening and the Shelby market remains very strong overall.

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