Zip Code:

49601, Cadillac, MI

49601 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Cadillac and the county of Wexford County. Its population is roughly 21,816.

The Cadillac Real Estate Market

The zip code of 49601 in Cadillac, Michigan has a median home value of $151,000 and a median home equity of $116,000. This is a relatively high home value when compared to other zip codes in the state of Michigan. The average home value in Michigan is around $130,000.

This high home value may be due to the many affluent families who live in this zip code. Additionally, the area has been growing rapidly over the past few years and may be attracting more affluent residents.

Another factor that may contribute to the high home values in this zip code are the low interest rates currently being offered on mortgages. This makes it easier for people to buy homes and increase their equity within them.

Despite these positive factors, there are also some potential risks associated with buying a home in this zip code. One such risk is that prices could drop significantly if there is an economic downturn or another housing market crash. Additionally, although the area is growing rapidly, it may not be suitable for everyone and some people may find it difficult to afford a house here.

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