Zip Code:

49627, Eastport, MI

49627 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Eastport and the county of Antrim. Its population is roughly 219.

The Real Estate Market in the 49627 Zip Code of Eastport, Michigan

Home Equity in Eastport, MI

Eastport is a small town located in the 49627 zip code of Michigan. According to the 2010 census, the population of Eastport is 1,871. The median household income in Eastport is $60,000 and the median family income is $67,500. In terms of home equity, Eastport residents have a median home equity value of $101,000. This means that half of all households in Eastport have more than $101,000 in their home equity.

The reason why home equity is so important to residents of Eastport is because it allows them to borrow money against their homes without having to sell them or take on any additional debt. This gives homeowners a lot of flexibility when it comes to spending and saving money. Additionally, homeowners can use their home equity to pay off other debts or invest in other assets such as stocks or bonds.

Eastport Home Prices

According to data from Zillow®, the average price per square foot for homes in the 49627 zip code of Eastport was $128 as of March 2016. This means that homes in this area are relatively expensive compared to other areas of Michigan. However, given that this is a small town located near Lake Michigan, prices here are likely justified given the limited supply and high demand for property here.

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