Zip Code:

49660, Manistee, MI

49660 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Manistee and the county of Manistee. Its population is roughly 14,202.

The Real Estate Market in Manistee, MI

The Manistee, MI 49660 zip code has a median home value of $119,000 and a median home equity of $87,000. These numbers indicate that the majority of homeowners in this zip code have more equity in their homes than they need to cover their current monthly expenses. This is likely due to strong home prices and stable employment rates in the area.

Despite these positive indicators, there are still some risks associated with owning a home in the Manistee, MI 49660 zip code. For example, if someone loses their job or experiences other financial setbacks, they may not be able to afford their mortgage or other bills and could face foreclosure. Additionally, if interest rates increase significantly from their current levels, homeowners who have high levels of equity may experience significant losses on their investments.

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