Zip Code:

49682, Suttons Bay, MI

49682 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Suttons Bay and the county of Leelanau County. Its population is roughly 4,068.

The Real Estate Market in the 49682 Zip Code of Suttons Bay, Michigan

The zip code 49682 in Suttons Bay, Michigan has a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income is just over $60,000 and the median home value is just over $200,000. This means that the home equity in this zip code is quite high. In fact, according to Zillow’s latest data, the home equity in this zip code is currently worth more than twice as much as the median household income.

This high level of home equity is likely due to the strong economy that Michigan has been experiencing lately. Jobs are plentiful and wages are rising, which means that people are able to buy homes more easily than they were a few years ago. Additionally, many people in this zip code have taken advantage of low interest rates to borrow money against their homes and invest the money elsewhere. As a result, there are a lot of homes available for sale and buyers can find good deals if they are willing to wait for them.

However, while home values in this zip code are high now, they may not be forever. There is always a risk that prices will decline if the economy weakens or if interest rates rise again. In addition, there could be other factors that cause homeowners in this area to lose their homes – such as an economic recession or natural disaster. So while it may be safe for now to invest your money in home equity here in 49682 zip code, you should always keep an eye on market conditions so you don’t end up losing all your investment if things change later on

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