Zip Code:

49688, Tustin, MI

49688 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Tustin and the county of Osceola. Its population is roughly 2,503.

The Real Estate Market in the 49688 Zip Code of Tustin, Michigan

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 49688 Zip Code of Tustin, MI

The zip code of 49688 in Tustin, Michigan has a median home value of $183,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $161,500. The zip code also has a lower than average percentage of homes that are valued at less than $100,000. This indicates that there are more expensive homes in this zip code compared to other areas in Michigan.

The percentage of homes that are worth more than $300,000 is also high in this zip code. This indicates that there are a lot of wealthy homeowners in this area. The percentage of homes that are worth less than $100,000 is also low which indicates that there is not as much speculation going on with home values here as there may be in other areas.

Overall, it appears that the housing market here is stable and prices have not been drastically changing over the past few years. This could be because there is not a lot of competition for property ownership here or because people believe that the area will continue to grow and become more valuable over time.

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