Zip Code:

49709, Atlanta, MI

49709 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Atlanta and the county of Montmorency. Its population is roughly 3,549.

The Real Estate Market in the 49709 Zip Code of Atlanta, MI

The zip code 49709 in Atlanta, Michigan has a median home value of $137,000 and a median home equity of $111,000. This is a relatively high home value for the area and indicates that there are many homeowners who are doing well financially. Additionally, the percentage of homes with a mortgage in this zip code is lower than average, indicating that many people here are able to afford their homes without relying on loans.

One reason why the home values in this zip code are high is likely because there is a lot of demand for housing here. The city of Atlanta is growing rapidly and new residents are looking for places to live. Additionally, many people who live in this area have been able to invest wisely over the years and have built up equity in their homes. This means that they can sell their homes relatively easily if they want to move or if they need money for something else.

Overall, it seems like homeownership rates in this zip code are high and mortgage rates are low which makes it an attractive place to live. It's also worth noting that the unemployment rate here is low which could be contributing to the strong housing market conditions.

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