Zip Code:

49733, Frederic, MI

49733 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Frederic and the county of Crawford. Its population is roughly 2,078.

The Real Estate Market in the 49733 Zip Code of Frederic, MI

The zip code 49733 in Frederic, Michigan has a median home value of $145,000. This is significantly lower than the state median home value of $224,500. The 49733 zip code also has a low percentage of homeownership at just 38%. This is likely due to the high cost of homes in this area and the fact that many people are choosing to live in rental properties.

Despite these lower home values, there is still a significant demand for homes in the 49733 zip code. In 2017, there were 2,812 active listings in the zip code and 1,541 sales. This indicates that there are plenty of people interested in purchasing or renting a home in this area.

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