Zip Code:

49747, Hubbard Lake, MI

49747 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Hubbard Lake and the county of Alpena County. Its population is roughly 1,953.

The Real Estate Market in Hubbard Lake, Michigan

Hubbard Lake, MI is located in the 49747 zip code. The median home price in this zip code is $149,000 and the median home equity value is $134,700. This indicates that Hubbard Lake has a lower home equity value than the statewide median of $169,200. Additionally, Hubbard Lake has a lower home price than most other zip codes in Michigan.

There are several factors that may contribute to these lower home prices in Hubbard Lake. First, Hubbard Lake is located in a rural area of Michigan which may limit its appeal to buyers and sellers. Second, Hubbard Lake has seen slower growth rates over the past several years which could have led to decreased demand for homes and reduced prices accordingly. Finally, Hubbard Lake's low unemployment rate may be contributing to its low home equity values as many people are looking to purchase homes as an investment rather than as their primary residence.

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