Zip Code:

49779, Rogers City, MI

49779 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Rogers City and the county of Presque Isle. Its population is roughly 4,448.

The Real Estate Market in the 49779 Zip Code of Rogers City, Michigan

Rogers City, MI is located in the Eastern Time Zone and has a population of just over 2,000. The median household income in Rogers City is just over $50,000, and the median home value is just under $130,000. In terms of home equity, the zip code has a total equity of just over $100,000.

There are a number of factors that could be contributing to the high home values in Rogers City. First and foremost, Rogers City is located in an area that is growing rapidly and has plenty of potential for future growth. Second, there are a number of affluent families living in the zip code who are likely investing in homes rather than renting them out. Finally, Rogers City residents have been able to benefit from strong economic conditions over the past few years which have led to increased demand for housing units and higher home values.

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