Zip Code:

49819, Arnold, MI

49819 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Arnold and the county of Marquette County. Its population is roughly 27.

The Real Estate Market in the 49819 Zip Code of Arnold, MI

Arnold, Michigan is located in the 49819 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Arnold was 5,812. The median household income in Arnold was $60,971, and the median family income was $68,521. In 2010, there were 1,711 housing units in Arnold. The average home value in Arnold was $128,000.

The average home equity loan amount in Arnold is $101,000. The average home price appreciation rate in Arnold from 2000 to 2010 was 9%. In 2010 alone, the average home value increased by 7%. Home prices have increased faster than inflation since 2000 and continue to do so today. This has led to an increase in homeowners' equity and a decrease in mortgage payments over time.

Homeownership rates are high in Arnold because of its low unemployment rate and strong economy. There are also a number of affordable homes available for purchase within the city limits due to its moderate cost of living index (83). As a result of these factors as well as tight lending criteria by banks and lenders nationwide at this time due to current economic conditions; homeownership rates remain high despite recent market fluctuations which could lead some buyers into foreclosure or short sales if they cannot qualify for a traditional mortgage product at this time.

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