Zip Code:

49826, Rumely, MI

49826 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Rumely and the county of Alger. Its population is roughly 271.

The Real Estate Market in Rumely, Michigan

Rumely, MI is located in the 49826 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Rumely was 1,854. The median household income in Rumely was $51,964 and the median family income was $60,000. In 2008, there were a total of 906 homes sold in Rumely. The average home sale price in Rumely was $128,500.

The average home equity for residents of Rumely was $101,000 as of 2010. This is a decrease from 2007 when the average home equity for residents of Rumely was $122,000. The decrease in home equity can be attributed to several factors including an increase in mortgage rates and an increase in interest rates on credit cards and other loans.

As of 2010 there were a total of 906 homes sold in Rumely. This represents an average sale price of $128,500 which is higher than the Michigan statewide average sale price of $119,800 as reported by Real EstateTrac® at that time (2010). It should also be noted that while the number of homes sold has decreased since 2007 there has been an increase since 2008 when 693 homes were sold for an average sale price of $127,600 according to Realtor® data from Michigan Association Of Realtors® (MAR).

It should also be noted that while homeownership rates have decreased nationally they have remained relatively stable within the 49826 zip code according to Census data from 2011-2015 (ZIP Code Database). In 2015 there were a total number homeowners living within this zip code with 97% owning their own home compared to 95% owning their own home between 2001-2005 according to Census data from MAR ( Michigan Association Of Realtors®).

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