Zip Code:

49838, Gould City, MI

49838 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Gould City and the county of Mackinac. Its population is roughly 453.

The Real Estate Market in the 49838 Zip Code of Gould City, Michigan

The zip code of 49838 in Gould City, Michigan has a median home value of $92,000 and a median home equity value of $138,000. This is a relatively high median home value for the area, and indicates that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth a lot of money. Additionally, the home equity value is higher than the median home value because there are more homes in this zip code that have been recently sold than homes that have been lived in for many years. This suggests that people who live in 49838 are generally doing well financially and can afford to buy or upgrade their homes.

Another indicator of how well people are doing financially in 49838 is the fact that the unemployment rate here is only 3%. This low unemployment rate indicates that there are plenty of jobs available in Gould City, and presumably people who live here can find one if they want it. In addition, the average commute time to work is only 18 minutes, which means that most people living here can get to work quickly and without having to spend a lot of time commuting. These factors all suggest that 49838 residents are generally very happy with their lives and their financial situation.

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