Zip Code:

49839, Grand Marais, MI

49839 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Grand Marais and the county of Alger. Its population is roughly 395.

The Real Estate Market in the 49839 Zip Code of Grand Marais, Michigan

The zip code of 49839 in Grand Marais, Michigan has a median home value of $269,000. This is significantly higher than the state median home value of $146,000. The zip code also has a high concentration of homes with a value over $500,000. This indicates that there are a lot of wealthy residents in this area.

The average home size in the 49839 zip code is 2,851 square feet. This is smaller than the state average size of 3,100 square feet. However, this size is still larger than the average size for the rest of Michigan which is 1,800 square feet. The percentage of homes that are single-family homes (68%) is lower than the state percentage (74%). This indicates that there may be more multi-family and townhome dwellings in this area.

There are a lot of jobs located in and around Grand Marais, Michigan which contributes to high home values and rents. The unemployment rate in Grand Marais was 2% as of December 2016 which is lower than the state unemployment rate (3%). Additionally, there are many businesses located within walking distance from where people live which also contributes to high prices and rents.

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