Zip Code:

49879, Republic, MI

49879 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Republic and the county of Marquette County. Its population is roughly 975.

Real Estate in the 49879 Zip Code of Republic, MI

The zip code of 49879 in Republic, Michigan has a median home value of $104,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. These values are lower than the statewide median home value of $183,500 and statewide median home equity value of $141,700. The reason for this discrepancy is likely due to the fact that Republic is a smaller town with fewer homes for sale and therefore higher demand and prices.

Despite the lower values in Republic compared to other areas of Michigan, there are still many homeowners who are benefiting from strong home equity values. Homeowners in 49879 have saved an average of $5,600 over the past five years due to strong home equity values. Additionally, homeowners have been able to borrow against their homes at low interest rates which has helped them maintain their purchasing power.

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