Zip Code:

49894, Wells, MI

49894 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Wells and the county of Delta County. Its population is roughly 750.

The Real Estate Market in the 49894 Zip Code of Wells, Michigan

Wells, Michigan is located in the 49894 zip code. The Wells zip code has a population of approximately 2,000 people. Wells is a small town that was founded in 1835. Wells is located in Shiawassee County and has a land area of approximately 0.5 square miles.

The median home value in the Wells zip code is $131,500 which is lower than the state median home value of $157,600. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is lower than the state average of 69%. The percentage of homes that are renter-occupied is higher than the state average of 63%. There are also more vacant homes in the Wells zip code than there are occupied homes.

The unemployment rate in the Wells zip code is 3% which is lower than the state unemployment rate of 5%. The poverty rate in the Wells zip code is 10% which is higher than the state poverty rate of 8%. There are more families living below poverty level in the Wells zip code than there are families living above poverty level.

The schools in the Wells zip code have lower test scores compared to other schools within Shiawassee County and Michigan as a whole. There are also fewer high school graduates per capita within this zipcode compared to other counties within Michigan.

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