Zip Code:

49908, Baraga, MI

49908 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Baraga and the county of Baraga. Its population is roughly 3,376.

The Real Estate Market in the 49908 Zip Code of Baraga, Michigan

The 49908 zip code of Baraga, MI has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. The 49908 zip code has a population of 1,827 people and an average household size of 2.53 people. The 49908 zip code has a poverty rate of 10% and an unemployment rate of 5%.

The 49908 zip code is located in the Copper Country region of Michigan. The Copper Country region is known for its mining industry and its beautiful scenery. The 49908 zip code is also close to several other cities, including Marquette, Houghton Lake, Ishpeming, Menominee Falls, Gaylord and Sault Ste Marie.

The economy in the 49908 zip code is mainly based on mining and agriculture. Mining is still a big part of the economy in the Copper Country region, but there has been a decline in mining jobs over the past few years due to technological advances. However, mining jobs are still available in the area and there are many opportunities for people who want to work in this field. Agriculture is also an important part of the economy in the 49908 zip code. There are many farms in the area that produce crops such as corn, soybeans and wheat. There are also many factories that produce products such as automobiles and machinery used by farmers. Although agriculture is still an important part of the economy in the 49008 zip code, it may not be as important as it was years ago because there are other areas where people can find jobs that involve technology or manufacturing.

Despite these challenges faced by the 49008 zip code economy over recent years, there are still many opportunities available for people who want to work here. The area has a low poverty rate and an unemployment rate that is lower than average for cities its size (5%). There are also many businesses located in this area that offer good paying jobs with benefits (such as health insurance). In addition to these good job opportunities, there are also plenty of affordable housing options available in this area if you want to live here full-time or commute into one or more nearby cities for work purposes..

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