Zip Code:

49962, Skanee, MI

49962 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Skanee and the county of Baraga. Its population is roughly 237.

The Real Estate Market in the 49962 Zip Code of Skanee, MI

The 49962 zip code of Skanee, MI has a median home value of $139,500. This is a decrease from the median home value of $157,000 in 2007. The average list price for homes in the 49962 zip code was $169,900 in 2017. The 49962 zip code has seen a decrease in home values since 2007 due to the current market conditions.

Home equity is an important part of homeownership and can be used for many purposes such as paying down debt or investing in other assets. Home equity can also be used to purchase a new home or refinance an existing one.

There are several factors that can affect home prices including interest rates, supply and demand, and local economic conditions. Over the long term, trends in these factors will tend to have a significant impact on home prices.

The 49962 zip code has seen an increase in population over the past 10 years which may have led to an increase in demand for homes and subsequently increased prices. Additionally, there is limited available land within this area which may also contribute to higher prices.

While there are some areas within the 49962 zip code where prices are higher than others, overall it appears that the market is trending downward and may continue to do so over time unless there are unforeseen circumstances that cause otherwise.

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