Zip Code:

49969, Watersmeet, MI

49969 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Watersmeet and the county of Gogebic. Its population is roughly 1,259.

The Real Estate Market in the 49969 Zip Code of Watersmeet, MI

The 49969 zip code of Watersmeet, MI has a median home value of $128,900 and a median home equity value of $101,700. These values are significantly lower than the statewide median home value of $217,500 and statewide median home equity value of $146,200. The 49969 zip code also has a lower homeownership rate than the statewide homeownership rate of 66.8%.

One potential explanation for these lower home values in the 49969 zip code may be that there is less demand for homes in this area. The 49969 zip code has a population density of only 1 people per square mile, which is much lower than the statewide population density of 10 people per square mile. Additionally, the 49969 zip code has a below average percentage of households with children (below 50%) compared to Michigan as a whole. This could suggest that there are fewer families who are interested in purchasing or owning homes in this area.

Despite these factors, it is still possible for someone to purchase or own a home in the 49969 zip code if they are willing to invest some time and money into searching for an appropriate property. Home buyers who are looking for properties within close proximity to major cities may find more affordable options in other parts of Michigan than in Watersmeet.

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