Zip Code:
50021 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Ankeny and the county of Polk County. Its population is roughly 28,306.
The 50021 zip code of Ankeny, IA has a median home value of $136,000. This is significantly lower than the Iowa median home value of $225,000. The 50021 zip code also has a low percentage of homeownership (26%) and a high percentage of renters (64%).
One reason for the low median home value in the 50021 zip code may be that there are relatively few homes for sale in this area. In fact, only 2% of homes in this zip code are for sale. Additionally, many homes in this area are older and may not be in good condition. As a result, it may take longer for buyers to find a suitable home and negotiate a price with the seller.
Despite these challenges, there are some reasons to believe that the 50021 zip code will experience increased home values over time. First, Ankeny is experiencing rapid population growth which is likely to increase demand for housing stock. Second, many new businesses are locating in Ankeny which is likely to create jobs and increase income opportunities which will lead to higher demand for housing stock. Finally, Ankeny is located close to major metropolitan areas such as Des Moines and Cedar Rapids which means that there is strong potential for growth in the local economy overall.
Price Index: Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
50023 | 38,469 | 670.4 | America/Chicago | 41.73146 | -93.63099 | Ankeny | Polk County | Iowa |